After a full on weekend of digging and shifiting rocks we now the proud owners of our very own rock garden....

It started out looking like this...

...and has become this...

It still needs pebble mulch but that will need to wait until the rest of the area is complete.

As you can see from the pictures, this is only a small part of our (very small) front yard and there is still quite a bit to go. However we did also get the rest of the yard prepped and ready to go as well. It's been weeded and de-grassed, cleared of builders rubble (lots of plaster, conrete, mortar, and brocken bricks), dug and shaped. So when our energy returns we'll dig more holes, shift more rocks and plant the remaining plants and hopefully have a finished front yard in the very near future.
As for the pergola, we have some progress there too... the concrete area is to be boxed on Friday this week and should be poured on the following Monday.
But the BEST NEWS... the council have now issued our building permit for the pergola!!!!
(it would be nice if we could get the car into the garage too... MUCH more sorting to do in there first though....)