Our gutters and fascias were put on today (yes Saturday!!). The colour looks good against our bricks too (lucky! it's a bit late to change if we didn't like it...).
The bricking is also continuing but there's still a long way to go yet... We might have to reduce our visits back down to once a week - that way we'll be impressed with the progress. This week we've managed to go almost everyday and it seems not much has been done (which is wrong because there has been progress - just not as fast as the slab and frame...)
We did get some pictures today but they're on my phone and I can't download them on this PC. Hopefully I'll remember to put them up on Monday.
Tomorrow (oops, it's past midnight, so I mean today) I'm heading into Melbourne to a warehouse sale looking for a fridge. That's if I can find a good bargain, that we can afford and it's fits into the fridge alcove in the new house. We didn't really think about this being a problem when we OK'd the plans - should be fine though. Failing that we're off to the second-hand fridge place in Geelong... it's time to replace the 2 fridges we have as together they are putting our electricity bills through the roof (one fridge is too cold and freezes everything (not good for beer in glass bottles let me tell you) and the other isn't sealing (neither fridge nor freezer) and the fridge man says that new seals just won't cut it...) so we think it's time...
Chicken, Date and Honey Tagine
11 years ago
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