Monday, July 27, 2009

We have a PCI date...

Ok, so I am a little bit calmer about the house at the moment, not because anything has happened, but simply because what benefit does it serve...

I read a magnet in a shop recently that fits this situation (and me) to a tee:

"For every minute you are angry you loose 60 seconds of happiness"
Ralph Emerson

All of this being angry is not doing either of us any good and so I've decided I'm not going to let it get to me anymore (at least I'l try!!)

What's frustrating with our build is that we are well off the contract period and as such there isn't much that we can do or complain about. I guess I just didn't expect to have paid the majority of the bills so early and to then be waiting so long. I really do feel for those whose build goes well over the contract time.

Actually I really wouldn't mind if it went to full contract if they would just keep us informed with what's happening and stop lying to us - that is what is really getting to me... the lies and the lack of information about what for us is the biggest amount of money we've ever spent.

On a brighter note, we now have a PCI date - next Monday. It seems a bit hollow however as we know there are things that haven't been done. Having said that, at least it gives us a chance to get everything that we arent' happy with in writing, and they've told us that everything should be fixed within 7 days of the PCI (I don't believe it but it's a start).

I really do need to give credit where credit is due though. As much as our SS is an idiot, he at least answers our calls or calls back almost immediately if he misses a call. Whilst everyone else is ignoring our calls, he is at least still talking to us and for that I am thankful!

Fingers crossed that most things are finished before our PCI on Monday.

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