The concreting should be started soon... I rang the guy this week and apparently if it weren't for the rain we had last week, would were in line for the diggers to come this Saturday. Unfortunately that won't be happening now and we're waiting on a call back to tell us just the new date...
We have finally made a decision on the verandah though which is good news! We were getting a friend to do it, however the costs were escalating and the council was asking for and engineers certificate of compliance which would have pushed the costs even higher and so Bryan had the very difficult conversation with our friend to tell him that we were going elsewhere (he took it better than expected so all is still good).
We'd got a couple of quotes from another company who we came across recently and their prices looked good and their product is what we were looking for and so they came by today and measured up. They're going to take over the council permit application and all going well, we'll be started in 7 weeks....
....wish it were sooner....
...guess it just gives us time to save some more!....
In the mean time this little angel (looks like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth)....
has bit-by-bit been destroying our laundry (we put her in there on the one day a week when we are both at work and when it is wet outside). She has eaten the architrave around the door, put scratches through the plaster mostly near the doors but no wall is untouched, eaten the plastic cover off the light switch and chewed the plastic bit that the rubber door stop sits on.... The only thing that she hasn't done is go to the toilet in there, even when we left her there while we were at work yesterday...
She also decided to take off last night when we were out walking her after we finally got home at 10pm. To cut a long story short, she smelled rabbit and was off, with her lead (one of those plastic reel-in types) crashing on the ground behind her. After about 20 minutes of panic and yelling excitedly like idiots (wanted her to come back - not run off again) she and I were re-united in the middle of a paddock in the dark. I have now discovered that Weimaraners are impossible to see in the dark (only found her by the crashing of the lead) and have vowed to buy a reflective collar and engraved tag as soon as we can....
Bring on the concrete yard and undercover area - she'll never have to leave the yard again!!:)
you left her in there for 12 hours!!! omg, no wonder she chewed everything... you def need to give her some leg room, look at the size of her legs!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your concern Annie but I assure you that our dog is well looked after and safe in the laundry. It is a last resort for us at the moment whilst we wait for our yard to be better equipped for her and is ONLY used when it is too wet for her to be outside. She is left with plenty of chew toys, and 'puzzles' to occupy her as well as food, water and beds. She is taken for plenty of walks and was given a good LONG walk that morning before we left. She also sleeps much of the time that we are gone and gets another LONG walk when we get home. The issue is NOT the space... It's the SEPARATION... and that's something that we are working on with her.
ReplyDeleteIf you are walking your dog at night a great idea is a little red blinkie light for the collar - you can buy them for $10-$15 or less from a bike shop :)