Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nothing to report, just waiting for my next visit/update...

I'm itching to see what progress has been made on our house since Friday. The SS said last week that the bricklayer was due to start this week so I'm hoping to see some brickwork when I get to drop in tomorrow afternoon on the way home from work.

I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing living 30mins away from our building site... If we were closer I'd be able to drop in more often and see the progress, but then I'd probably get even more obsessed with the build and be there everyday!! As it is I get to go there once a week on my way home from Melbourne and maybe again on the weekend (usually if dog training is on, I can get Bryan to do the training and I can duck our for a sticky beak...). That really is enough - for a person with patience (which is not me in case you haven't guessed).

Pictures tomorrow I hope!!!

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